Recovery Resources

Support Groups for Family Members and Friends

Al-Anon This is a worldwide support group for family members and friends of those who are addicted to alcohol.
Alateen This is a division of Al-Anon that is specifically designed for adolescent family members of alcoholics.
Families Anonymous Families Anonymous is a group for relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs or related behavioral problems.
GRASP Grief Recovery After Substance Passing (GRASP) is a support group for people who have lost a loved one due to substance abuse.
NAMI The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides a wide range of support options for loved ones of people suffering from symptoms of a mental health condition.
Nar-Anon Similar to Al-Anon, this worldwide fellowship helps family members and loved ones of those who are addicted to drugs.
PAL Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a Christian based group of parents who help other parents learn how to cope with an addicted child and that allows for both educational and peer-sharing opportunities.
SMART Recovery Family & Friends This group is an alternative to Al-Anon that focuses more on science-based and nonconfrontational methods of helping your loved one.


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