I initially reached out to Roxanne for my 20-year-old son. He wanted more help and financial support, and I knew I did not want to give it without any expectations, and I did not want to manage him. Through setting up a contract and then trying to work with my son, it was obvious that I needed her coaching. I had been attending Alanon and Family Support Groups and workshops but still was having a hard time sticking to what I said and having the strength to stand up to the expert manipulator. Roxanne gently pushed me to say what I meant and mean what I said. She encouraged me to hold my boundaries and just was the solid support I needed all too often. She would point out to me quite clearly the logic of what was going on when I could not see it for myself. She was the calm in the storm and constantly telling me that I was indeed strong enough to hold the line… and hold it not for my son, but rather for me. Though I originally engaged her services to be my son’s coach, she actually became mine, and I am forever grateful. I am now standing up for what is healthy for me, and in doing so, my son hit a “bottom” and he, on his own, got himself into sober living and back into recovery. My hands are off the wheel as Roxanne always says, and guess what… both I and my son have a much better relationship and we are both healthier. I still call her from time to time. It is to get reassurance on how I handle things with him or just to share his progress and my sense of peace! Of all the lots and lots of money spent on treatment, Roxanne was some of the best money spent!